Forum Discussion

nataliesta's avatar
12 months ago

Why am I sometimes getting 'Validation exception for id' error using LiQL for users?

Here is the error message:
Exception: Validation exception for id in WHERE clause: id <= 490884

Here is my request:
[...]api/2.0/search?q=SELECT  login, id, first_name, last_name, email, join_date FROM users WHERE = 'grouphub:30' AND id <= '500000' LIMIT 1000 CURSOR 'xyz'

We have a Python script that pages through, using the cursor, 1000 at a time. This error comes up for only some id's. Is there any fix for this? Or any idea why this is going wrong?

2 Replies

  • MattV's avatar
    Khoros Staff
    12 months ago

    Is the ID in your script hard-coded to 500000 (and, on a tangent, curious why you have that constraint)? 


  • nataliesta's avatar
    12 months ago

    Hi MattV! We have 2 separate jobs that ingest the the member list of this group in our database. We figured out we can split them in half by the median id. The API connection fails at some point if we try to ingest all members in one go (I think there are 30k+ members). 

    I think I solved this however. I have to order by id desc/asc, then after receiving the cursor,  remove the greater than/less than comparison when using the cursor argument. Cursor argument and the id argument seem to be incompatible.