Forum Discussion

jaread83's avatar
7 years ago

Why are attachments shown in a preview box now?

This has been of a bug bear for a little while for me but attachments are now shown within a preview modal and the content is served up from a cloud service somewhere.


Annoyingly, IT security actively blocks ALL cloud services on our network so none of our agents can view these previews of the uploaded attachments, we get the generic 'cannot connect' within the modal that is shown on all browsers when they cannot connect to a website... but they can still download the file directly.


Is there a way go revert attachments back to how they were before? I am not seeing any options in the features in Studio to change attachments.




  • In that same section of the admin there is also a setting for "Preview attached documents in online viewer".  Have you tried disabling this?

  • jaread83-


    There is a setting available in community admin.

    Community Admin - System -  File attachment - Host URL to render attachment. Please Leave this field blank to serve attachments on the actual community

    • jaread83's avatar
      Hi TariqHussain, good to see you!

      The field is blank but attachments still load in a modal box and they are hosted on (or similar?).
      • TariqHussain's avatar

        Same here jaread83 - Can you try to create a new message with attachment? and confirm if this is happening to all new messages as well?