Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Capture notes about specific members

As your community grows, you may want to jot down notes about specific members in a central place for future reference. You can use the Admin Notes feature on the member Profile page to do this.

You can use Admin Notes to capture a list of subjects that a member has expertise in, so you can leverage the member as an expert in specific threads. Or, you capture notes on any warnings issued to a member for inappropriate community behavior so moderators can review the member’s activity before taking additional action.

Admins and moderators can view Admin Notes added by themselves and others on the member’s profile page:

Note: Members who do not have a role with the permission cannot see these notes. Learn more about adding members to rolesTo manage permissions, see Manage community permission defaults.

To view or add Admin Notes about a member:

  1. Sign in to the community as an Admin.
  2. On the main page, click the Search icon to expand the search field.
  3. Search for the member and press Enter.

    Note: You do not need to enter the exact name of the member as the search page displays all the matching results based on the keyword.

    On the Search page, you can view the members who match the search keyword under People:
  4. Click the member's avatar to view their profile page.
    The member’s profile page is displayed.
  5. To view Admin Notes, open the Options menu and click Admin Notes.

    In the Admin Notes section, you can view the notes added by other admins:
  6. To add a new note, click Add Note and enter your notes in the window.
  7. Click Add.
Updated 9 months ago
Version 7.0