Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Reporting inappropriate content and member profiles

It is essential to maintain the cleanliness of the online communities and ensure a curated experience free from inappropriate content such as objectionable images, abusive language, spam, harassment, and more.

The Report Content feature aligns with DSA standards, empowering community members to report undesirable content. They can report community posts (including comments and replies), Events, Private Messages, and User Profiles. Anonymous reporting is available for both posts (including comments and replies) and User Profiles, ensuring a safer and more compliant online community experience.

Note: To enable this feature, contact Support.

Let’s walk through an example on how to report a post.

  1. Go to the community post that you want to report.
  2. Open the Options menu.
  3. Select Report.

    A window opens:  

  4. Select a Reason and optionally add details. 

  5. Click Report.
You receive a confirmation that the report has been sent to the moderation team for review.
Moderators can view this report in the Manage Content dashboard. They can then take appropriate action on the report from here. 
Similarly, you can report:
  • Private Messages:


    Moderators can take appropriate action from the Manage Content page.

  • Member Profiles:

Moderators can take action from the Abuse tab:


Report content anonymously:

When users report a post/member anonymously (without signing in), they'll be prompted to enter their Name and Email address. This feature comes with a reCAPTCHA protection.

If they have a registered email ID, members are asked to sign in before reporting; if not, they can proceed with reporting the content anonymously. 

Note: To enable reCAPTCHA protection, contact Support

Updated 24 days ago
Version 8.0
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