Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Manage Content Dashboard

The Manage Content dashboard is a one-point stop for:

  • Managing drafts & published content: authors can manage blogs & KB drafts as well as published posts/articles.
  • Content management: moderators can maintain a healthy community.

Read on to learn more.


Managing drafts & published content

As an author, you may want to save your content to share it with other members for review or come back and edit content later to add more info or make any corrections. After you have saved any drafts, you can access them from the Drafts tab in the Manage Content  Dashboard.

Depending on your permissions, you can view all your drafts and other members' drafts. You can also view the author and any co-authors as well as when the article was last updated.

Learn more about draft blog content and draft knowledge base content.

Learn more about Content Management and Approval.

Content management


Community spam management tools run in the background and each new post is logged and tested for spam. The tools automatically test posts against a complex set of rules. Our system learns about your site content as it monitors all your boards and forums, enabling it to improve its content filtering over time. All posts classified as spam are moved to the Manage Content dashboard on the Spam tab. Admins and moderators can review and recover the spammed posts, if needed.

Learn more about spam management.


To combat abusive content, members with appropriate permissions can report any content or private messages they find inappropriate in the community.

You can report any content or private messages that you find violent, harmful, misleading, or other specific reasons. When you report a content, the content is listed on the Abuse tab in the Manage Content dashboard.

Admins and moderators can manage this reported content with various options available out of the box.

Learn more about abuse management


Moderators constantly monitor community activity by reviewing content for appropriateness based on the guidelines you’ve put in place for your community.

Using the Moderation tab in the Manage Content dashboard, moderators can quickly review and process large volumes of user-generated content. Depending on how you’ve set up your moderation process, content can be reviewed either before or after it is published to the community. From the Moderation tab, you can moderate forum posts and replies, blog comments, and knowledge base comments. Also, you can view the posts or private messages that are rejected as spam, abuse, or for other reasons and take further action on these posts.

Learn more about Moderation.


From time to time, you might want to review the tags used across the community to understand how the content is being categorized and organized. This can also be one of the factors to understand members' engagement and contribution to the community.

Admins and members with the Manage Tags permission can access the Tags tab in the Manage Content dashboard, where they can review the complete list of tags.

Updated 4 months ago
Version 16.0
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