Recent ActivityNewest TopicsMost ViewedMost RepliesMost LikesNo Replies YetTagged:TagAn Introduction to Aurora Technologies6 MIN READ Aurora is Khoros’ re-imagined Community experience that leverages more than 20 years of experience and learnings in the digital community space. In this article we’ll introduce you to the technolog...What is Going On with Dev Docs in 2023?3 MIN READ Much of our focus in 2022 was on creating exciting new products and services that will see tremendous growth in 2023. How We Built It: Since you were gone component5 MIN READ Learn about how to build and add the Since you were gone component on your community home page. How We Built It: User Profile Hover Card6 MIN READ Learn about how to build a hovercard that will display the information about a user when you hover the mouse cursor over their avatar or username. How We Built It: Pronouns in User Profiles6 MIN READ Learn how we added a custom field to capture personal pronouns in the user profile and display them in the Atlas UI. A Python Library for Khoros Community5 MIN READ Today we highlight a contribution by a developer who built an open-source Python SDK for Khoros Community How We Built It: Platform Status Banner3 MIN READ We have created a status banner that enables members to see the operational status of your products. 2022 Kicks Off With Big Updates to Dev Docs4 MIN READ A refresh of our documentation's visual design, API reference tools, and an abundance of new content are just some of the ways 2022 is set to be the best year yet for our developer communi...Atlas Developer Network Updates2 MIN READ Learn about updates to the Atlas community navigation that affect the Atlas Developer Network. Two Community Virtual Developer Training Sessions are Open for Enrollment1 MIN READ Add to your Khoros Communities technical skillset to help expand and grow your community. A Chatbot for the Dev Doc Portal2 MIN READ We've added Maia the Khoros chatbot to Read on to learn what this means for you. Can Technical Writers Exist in an Agile Dev Team?4 MIN READ Whether you're creating a simple UI-based tool for customers without any technical experience or an API with complex parameters that pose a challenge to even the most experienced developer...
TagsHow We Built It13news & announcements7Tricks & Tips6Success Stories3Best Practices3Messaging3Automation2product updates1customer stories1