Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Submit an idea

From an Ideas board, members with the Post new ideas permission can submit an idea. Anonymous users must register to the community to suggest ideas.

To submit an idea:


1. From the Ideas board, click Suggest an Idea.

Step 1 image

2. Enter a Title.

Step 2 image

3. Describe your idea.

Step 3 image

4. Use the editor tools to modify the look and feel of your content.

Step 4 image

5. Optionally, click Attachments to attach a file to the discussion.
Click the information icon to know more about the supported formats, maximum file size, and maximum number of attachments.

Step 5 image

6. Add tags to categorize your content to make it more findable.

Step 6 image

7. In the SEO Content section, you can define search engine properties to attract more readers.

Step 7 image

8. Click Publish.

Step 8 image

9. Now, you have successfully submitted your idea.

Step 9 image

10. That's it. You're done.

Step 10 image


After you submit your idea, other members can vote or comment on it. By default, members who started or replied to the idea are auto-subscribed to the idea. Learn more about following content.

Note: You can use markdown syntaxes while writing the content instead of formatting the text using toolbar options. Also, you can use other keyboard shortcuts to work quickly and efficiently. Learn more about keyboard shortcuts.

Note: While submitting an idea, the content added is auto-saved in edit mode. Upon reloading the page, the content is auto-recovered.

Admins and members who submit the idea can add or remove tags. Learn more about tags.

Edit idea

Members who submitted ideas and others with the Manage ideas and comments permission can edit ideas whenever they find that the content needs to be updated.

To edit an idea:

  1. Go to the idea page you want to edit and click Settings > Edit.

    The idea opens in an editor.
  2. Update the content and click Publish.

Manage published ideas

Members with elevated permissions (admins and moderators) can perform a variety of content management tasks on the published content. These tasks include:

Authors and members with elevated permissions can block new replies to the idea.

Most of these tasks are available from the
Settings menu.

If you don’t see any of these menu options, you do not have the required permissions to perform these tasks.

Related topics:

Updated 9 months ago
Version 8.0
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