Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Confirm reported posts as abuse

After reviewing reported posts or replies, Moderators can confirm them as abusive content. After you confirm the abuse, those posts are removed from the community.

Confirm abuse

  1. Sign in to your community as an Admin or Moderator.
  2. Open the Account menu and go to Manage > Abuse. You can confirm the abuse in these ways:
    • Open the Options menu and select Confirm Abuse.
    • Select the Title of the post to review the post and Confirm Abuse.
  3. Select Confirm.

A confirmation message is displayed indicating that the post is no longer available on the community and is removed from the Abuse management list.

Reverse abuse confirmation

If confirming the abuse was an error, you can recover the post.

  1. Go to Manage Content > Moderation tab.
  2. Open the Filters menu.
  3. Below Moderation Status, select Rejected.
  4. In the main area on the right, locate the post that was mistakenly confirmed as abuse and open the Options menu.
  5. Select Mark as Not Abuse.
Updated 5 months ago
Version 12.0
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