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Release Notes & Updates

Khoros Communities 22.2 Release

AshaC's avatar
Khoros Staff
4 years ago




API Updates

Bug Fixes


Bulk content archive (GA)

In the 21.10 release, we announced the EA of bulk content archive, which enabled you to search for outdated community content and archive multiple articles at once.  Bulk Archive is now released as GA in Community release 22.2. 

Note: To enable this feature, contact Support.

OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Flow

To enable this authorization, contact Support.

In this release, we have added OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Grant flow that reduces the usage of user name and password in the backend system. The client credentials flow enables server-to-server authorization which grants access to read data from the community, based on the access provided by the assigned role for the client app without the need of any user credentials.

Learn more about, see OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Grant flow.


Group Hubs roles hierarchy (GA)

Currently, Membership Roles for Group Hubs exist only at the Group Hub level. To change permissions for these roles,  you needed to go to each group hub to make the changes. For communities with several group hubs, this could be a time-consuming task.

In this release, we’ve introduced a roles hierarchy for Group Hubs, enabling global management of group hub role permissions. Now, you can change the membership role permissions either at the community level or at the category level. The permissions for the roles cascade down to all the group hubs within the community or the category, respectively.

Note: This feature is enabled for all customers by default. 

When you update your community to this feature,

  • The OOTB permissions of existing group hubs will be set to default. These permissions will then be derived from the community level group hub roles.
  • Any permissions that were previously changed explicitly for a group hub, will remain as is. 
  • You can change the permissions of any of these roles at the group hub level or category level. The permissions at the group hub level takes precedence over the roles defined at the category level, followed by the roles defined at the community level.

When this feature is enabled, you can manage all group hub related roles (Curator, Inviter, Member, and Owner) from the Admin > Users > Group Hub Roles tab. These roles are now available at the community and category levels. 

What this means for existing group hubs:

  1. If you were using the out-of-the-box group hub permissions and had not made explicit changes to the individual group hubs, you will not experience any behavior change. However, you will have the additional capability to manage these roles' permissions globally. 
  2. If you had changed permissions for individual group hub roles earlier, those changes would persist. So you will not experience any behavior change. If you want to change such permissions back to the default, you must set the permission value to 'default' in the required group hubs. 

Learn more about Group Hub roles hierarchy and how Group Hub role permissions are determined.

Search for products on community

With this release, we’ve added PRODUCT search in the ‘Search Results’ page to increase the findability of products in the community.

Users can search information on the community’s ‘Search Results’ page and see the list of products that match the search query. They can then click the product they are interested in to get authentic information around it.

Note: This feature is enabled for all customers by default. 

To use this feature you must be on Search v3.4 and Product v2.0. Goto Admin > Studio > Features to update to these versions.

As shown in the image below, you can search for a product on the community’s ‘Search Results’ page. Click the PRODUCTS tab. Select from the Category and/or the Manufacturer dropdowns, to get the list of products.


Assume that you select ‘Tents’ from the Category drop-down menu and “Quecha” from Manufacturer.

As shown below, all products that are tagged with these two selections are listed. From here, you can click the product and view the product details. 

There can be cases where you do not want to use any of these dropdowns because some of the products are not categorized. In such cases, you can opt to disable the Category and Manufacturer dropdowns using the XML in the Studio

Useful links:

Syndicate Comments List along with Product information

As mentioned above, you can now search for products in the community. Finding products makes it easier for customers to discuss them within the community. 

With this release, you can syndicate user-generated content or conversations around a product to external pages (for example external marketing or support pages) along with the product's information. 

By syndicating comments along with the product’s information on an external website

  • You can use community to cross sell and drive revenue
  • Users always see or have access to authentic information about the product from the community. 
  • You can display product information in appropriate external websites, offering tips and tricks to increase sales on a marketing page or reduce calls to agents on a support page.

Below screenshot shows the Product dropdown added to Community Syndication under ADMIN panel.


Below screenshot shows product-id added to the code which you can add to the external website. This enables the product information to be syndicated along with the comments.

Learn more about setting up comment syndication with product information

Useful links:

Group Hub Name filter in Community Analytics 

We have added a filter for Group Hub Name. You can specify a Group Hub name to retrieve the metrics for Group Hub, Conversations, Members, and Membership for that Group hub.

                    NOTE: This option is available to all customers, by default.

As shown in the below screenshot, go to CONTENT > Group Hubs. Click Add a filter. Select Group Hub Name from the Filter by dropdown.


API Updates

CWA API Updates

  • We have added count(*) support to fetch the count of draft articles for the content workflow feature.
  • You can now combine the or constraints with the visibility_scope constraint to retrieve drafts filtered by conversation style or author ID.

Learn more aboutLiQL reference for the messages collection,

You found it! We fixed it!

General fixes

  • Earlier, TKBs and Blogs having “&” in their titles were saved as draft or submitted for review or publication, the title displayed “& amp;” instead of “&”. This issue is fixed.

  • Earlier email notifications having “&” in their subjects displayed  “& amp;” instead of “&”. This issue is fixed.

  • Earlier, when you created or updated an API from Admin > System > API apps page, you received an error message. This issue is fixed.

  • Earlier, when a post on the community that was escalated to Salesforce was moved to another board, the changes did not update in Salesforce. This issue is fixed. Now, when you move an escalated post to another board, the board details in the Salesforce also updates with the new board details. 

  • Earlier, there was a delay with the navigation slide-out menu. After a member joined a hidden group hub, it did not appear in the menu. This issue is fixed. 

  • There was an issue with the Kudo and Solution counts which were getting reduced in leaderboards when content was archived. Similar issue was observed with the APIs to get the kudo counts for a user. This is now fixed. 

  • Earlier the pagination in the spam quarantine page showed inconsistent behavior due to user access privileges and spam content was not displayed uniformly across pages. We have now fixed this

  • There was an issue with roles based badge creation , wherein once a badge was created (but not activated), the system did not show the correct count for the number of community users who would receive the badge on activation. This is now fixed.

  • Scheduling of reports was not working for GroupHubs Membership under GroupHubs Overview in Community Analytics. This issue has been fixed now. 



Updated 9 months ago
Version 5.0