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Release Notes & Updates

Community Aurora 24.06 Release Notes

AshaC's avatar
Khoros Staff
8 months ago

Member Experience

Choose your preferred community language

In your member preferences, you can now select any languages enabled by an administrator from the Language drop-down menu. At this time, English and Spanish are supported.

  1. Go to the Account > My Settings.
  2. Click the Preferences tab.
  3. In the Community Language drop-down menu, select a language.


Note: The availability of languages members can choose from is dependent on the community settings configured by an admin.

Learn more about managing your community preferences.

Badges email notification

Community members can now receive email notifications when they are granted new badges in the community. For information about adjusting your follow and email notification preferences, refer to Manage Follow and Notification settings for your account. For a list of all email notifications, refer to About Aurora Email Notifications.


Administrator Experience

Enhancements on Abuse Notification

With this release, admins can now specify designated email addresses or usernames for receiving abuse reports related to posts, members, or private messages. This enhancement ensures that reports are promptly directed to the appropriate members, facilitating timely decisions and actions to maintain community standards and safety.

To set the email addresses, go to Settings > Features > Moderation > Abuse Notifications and click Edit.


A window appears on which you can enter the email addresses or usernames where abuse reports on Posts, Private Messages and Members can be sent to.

Here’s an example of an email received for a post that was reported for abuse.

Note: While at the community level  you can specify email addresses or usernames for receiving abuse reports on posts, private messages, and members, at the category level, you can set them to receive reports only for posts. Below is an example of the abuse notification settings at a board level.


Learn more about abuse management and abuse notifications.

Manage Users: Delete Account

Previously, the ability to delete community member accounts and anonymous user PII was handled under Settings > System > Account and Privacy > Close Account. In this release, we’ve renamed it Delete Account and have moved this section to Settings > Users > Manage Users > Delete Account. The process for deleting a member’s account or an anonymous user’s PII is the same as it was previously, just in a new location.

To delete member accounts or anonymous user PII:

  1. Go to Settings > Users > Manage Users > Delete Account.
  2. Depending on whether you want to delete a member account or user PII, select Member or Anonymous User.
  3. If you selected Member, enter the member’s username, and if you selected Anonymous User, enter the appropriate email address.

  4. On the confirmation window, click Delete.

For more information, refer to Close community member accounts.

Revoke Badges permission

We’ve added a new Revoke Badges permission. This permission is set to Deny by default. To Grant it for specific roles, go to Settings > Users > Roles & Permissions and edit the permissions for the roles you want to manage.


To learn more about revoking badges, refer to Revoke a badge.

Header & Footer template: language picker

In Localized Communities, site designers can now enable a language picker in the navigation bar so that community members can choose from among all languages you have enabled and mapped in your community.

To enable and manage the language picker:

  1. Open the Account menu.
  2. Click Designer.
  3. Click Page Templates.
  4. Hover your cursor over the Header & Footer template you want to edit and click Edit.
  5. Click Settings (gear icon) on the Navigation widget.

  6. Locate the Language picker setting and turn it on using the toggle.
  7. Choose whether you want the language picker to use the Icon, the Label, or the Icon and Label.

  8. Save and publish your changes to the community.

At the top right of the community, the language picker is displayed with the option you selected.

To learn more about adjusting your Header & Footer template, refer to Header & Footer configuration.

Developer Experience

Analytics API

Analytics API is enhanced with a collection of on-demand insights on Member and Content Metrics.

Learn more about Analytics API.

Custom React Components

Aurora now supports the creation of custom React components through its SDK. These components can be enhanced with data provided by the GraphQL API. React components are a great way to add dynamic, flexible content to your Community.

Note: Custom react components are rendered client-side and do not support server-side rendering.

We've documented several ways you can work with React components: 


Aurora now supports the endpoints feature for integration with third-party applications.

Learn more about Working with endpoints.

You found it. We fixed it.

  • Previously, members attempting to close their accounts were required to verify their password, which posed a challenge for closing SSO community accounts where passwords were not stored. Now, SSO-enabled community members are presented with a confirmation prompt to close their accounts. Upon confirmation, the account is successfully closed.

  • Previously, in SSO-enabled communities where email gathering was disabled, members encountered errors when attempting to update their email address.  This issue is fixed. Members can now update their email addresses successfully in SSO-enabled communities. 

  • Previously, attempting to run the SDK on Windows OS resulted in errors, specifically when pulling down a customer Aurora repository with the SDK already set up. The issue prevented successful execution of the SDK. The SDK now runs successfully on Windows OS after configuring environment variables and dependencies. 

  • Previously, in communities that did not allow anonymous access, members couldn't see Category Quilt overrides. The SDK now identifies the correct users for cache queries, ensuring all authorized members can view Quilt overrides as intended. 

  • Previously, when you hovered your cursor over event content and place mentions, the hover card did not appear. This issue is now fixed.
Updated 7 months ago
Version 3.0


  • Oh boy -

    Custom React
    Endpoints (the new syndication)

    Both things we've missed since re-launching on Aurora.

    This summer is gonna be *hot* for us (temp and workload).

    Let's go!