Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Review private messages reported as inappropriate

You should periodically review private messages reported as inappropriate and captured in the Abuse management tab. Based on this, you can take necessary action to the messages and recover any messages mistakenly reported as inappropriate.
Admins and members with appropriate permissions can review the reported private messages from the Abuse tab:

The tab lists:

  • Message: Subject of the private message
  • Sender: Member who sent the message
  • Date Reported: The date on which the message is reported
  • Total: The total number of times the message is reported as inappropriate. You can click the Total of any message to view the list of members who reported the message.

You can sort the list based on Date Reported and Total columns.

To review private messages captured in the Abuse management tab:

  1. Sign in to your community as a Moderator.
  2. Open the Account menu and go to Manage > Abuse.
  3. Click Filters.
  4. In the Filters area, select Member under Reported by and Private Messages under Found In.
    (Optional): Use Keyword to search for a particular term used in a Private Message and Sender to search for the member who sent the message. 

    The Abuse tab is listed with private messages reported as inappropriate.
  5. Click a message.
    A window displays the conversation or a message and the available actions you can take on this message.

You can:

Confirm reported private messages as abuse

After reviewing the reported messages, Moderators can confirm them as abusive messages. When you confirm the abuse, the messages are removed from the community and this list and are moved to the Moderation tab in the Rejected filter where moderators can review and take necessary actions.

From the Abuse tab, you can confirm abuse in these ways:

  • Open the Options menu and click Confirm Abuse.
  • Click the message to review it and Confirm Abuse.

Ignore abuse for mistakenly reported private messages

Sometimes, members may mistakenly report a private message as inappropriate. While reviewing the reported message, you might think the message is appropriate and adheres to the community principles. From the Abuse tab, you can ignore these private messages that you find appropriate.

From the Abuse tab, you can ignore abuse in these ways:

  • Open the Options menu and click Ignore.
  • Click the message to review it and Ignore.

The message is removed from the Abuse tab and remains in the community.

Ban members from the Community

After reviewing the reported messages, Moderators can ban members who sent inappropriate messages. In this way, you can avoid malicious behaviors across the community. 

From the Abuse tab, you can ban members in these ways:

  • Open the Options menu and click Ban member.
  • Click the message to review it and Ban Member.

Learn more about banning members in the community.

Updated 9 months ago
Version 10.0

1 Comment

  • BhuvanaM MohammedF 

    Can members report direct messages that administrators/community managers send them? 

    If yes, is there a method to prevent members from reporting administrator/community manager messages and clogging up the Private Messages Abuse tab/queue? 

    FYI classen