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Can someone walk me through authenticating and using Postman with Aurora?
I'm a bit of a newbie when it comes to GraphQL and Postman and I'm struggling to work through the dev docs when it comes to authenticating and setting up the basics in Postman for testing in API calls in Aurora. We're looking ahead to migration and want to start getting familiar with basic API calls. Has anyone successfully got Postman and Aurora working? Is anyone willing to walk me through the bare minimum basics of getting this set up to authenticate into our Aurora instance and run a basic GraphQL call? I'm finding the dev docs pretty lacking currently so I'm turning to the expertise of the developer community here hoping someone has already figured this out. Or, if Khoros is reading this, can we have another Developer Webinar where we can walk through this? Or is this something you can offer through training or update the docs with more details? We've reached out to our CSM to see if we can get some 1:1 training but so far it doesn't look like that's an option right now.29Views0likes2CommentsSeeking Advice on Restricting Access to a posts to those who have the permalink.
Hi everyone, I’m facing a challenge in Khoros and could use some advice. I need to occasionally create specific posts and share permalinks via email with a customer base. However, we don’t want these posts to be accessible to random users browsing our community site. Most importantly, we do NOT want the root folder to be accessible, so that we can prevent users from accessing the repository of posts or easily gathering all the posts that we publish over time. Any suggestions on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance. Fergalfergalwalsh6 days agoContributor45Views0likes2CommentsTinyMceEditor is undefined
Hi, I have a simple custom component: <form id="pmUpdateForm"> <textarea rows="" cols="" id="pmUpdate"></textarea> </form> <@liaAddScript> ;(function($) { $(document).ready(function() { tinymce.init({ selector: 'textarea#pmUpdate', height: 150, menubar: false, plugins : "paste", paste_text_sticky : true, setup : function(ed) { ed.pasteAsPlainText = true; } }); }); })(LITHIUM.jQuery, LITHIUM.TinyMceEditor); </@liaAddScript> I added the above component into one of the quilts. After the SDK push I always see Uncaught ReferenceError: tinymce is not definederror. I know why this error occurs but w.r.t Khoros, I am not able to figure out where to look. There is no official documentation about tinyMceEditor in atlas on how to use it.ncharan5116 days agoAdept157Views0likes1Comment400/404 error on POST request
Hey, I'm trying to do my very first POST API call and currently getting stuck. I know there are other solutions for what I'm trying to do, but I'm also trying to learn something rather than straight up copying & pasting. <#assign boardID = /> <button id="subscribe">Subscribe</button> <@liaAddScript> (function($){ $(document).ready(function(){ $("#subscribe").on( "click", function() { $.ajax({ url: "/api/2.0/subscriptions", dataType: 'json', data: { "data":{ "type":"subscription", "target":{ "type":"board", "id":"blueprints" } } }, method: 'POST' }).done(function(response) { console.log('Success'); }).fail(function() { console.log('Fail'); }) }); }); })(LITHIUM.jQuery); </@liaAddScript> When I click my button on the page, I get a 404 error in the console: GET 404 (Not Found) I assume I'm doing something wrong, but I can't figure out what. I've tried subbing the variable for the ID of the board too and the URL is the same, with the same 404 error. The only thing that's sprung to mind is that the API's don't work with the CNAME and I need to use the original domain for our staging site? Thanks in advance.Kev_B6 days agoAdvisor391Views0likes3CommentsHow do I get the article ID in Freemarker in a TkbArticle?
This is Community Classic. I'm trying to write a component to display something from a hidden field (canonical_url) while on the page of a TkbArticle. It doesn't appear that either or work in anything Tkb related. What other options do I have to retrieve this information in the context of the page itself?phoneboy17 days agoDirector53Views0likes1CommentOnline User Count is Completely Wrong
I'm trying to get an accurate count of online users and it's quite obvious the count is completely wrong just by looking at the results I'm encountering on my staging environment. The LIQL query used is fairly simple: SELECT count(*) FROM users WHERE online_status='online' Given the number of people who access our staging server, I would expect the result of this to be a low single digit number. Instead, I got a result of over 30 users. So I dug into the API results: SELECT login,last_visit_time FROM users WHERE online_status='online' The results list users with last visit times from 2020 and 2021 as well as users from earlier in 2022 that I know for a fact aren't online. How is Khoros defining an "online user" here? Is the behavior I'm seeing a bug or expected behavior?552Views2likes9CommentsCommunity Text - First Name Text Key
In Studio > Text Editor > Community TextI want to update the text-key general.welcome = Welcome back, {0}! To something like: general.welcome = Welcome back, ${profile.name_first}! But I don't know the text-key for the First Name in a user's Personal Information setting. Currently we are using general.welcome = Welcome back, {0}! And {0} is their username. We would like to personalize the message with their first name instead of their username. Does anyone know what text-key I can use to pull a users first name from their personal information / settings / profile? Thank you! Davedave-coleman2 months agoExpert136Views0likes1CommentUrgent: Case Sensitivity w/ SSO
Our people system changed (salesforce, workday, whatever), and several users are saying "It's asking me to create a username!" Turns out: the OLD people system passes The NEW people system passes Apparently Khoros sees these as DIFFERENT users (due to capitalization changes). I submitted a support ticket, but the response indicated it's going to take a bunch of back & forth to help them recreate this thing. Which leads me to straight up ask you all -Has anyone else ran into case sensitivity issues before? In collaboration with our IAM team, I have a "plan" but it's not an easy one (transform to lowercase on the B2C front, and simultaneously batch some Khoros API calls to change all users' SSO IDs to lowercase. But it seems outright silly that Khoros cares about case sensitivity. Has anyone solved this before? Is there a checkbox I'm missing?keithkelly2 months agoLeader409Views0likes6CommentsAurora Storybook - Component Library
Hi All🤙 I'm not seeing an Aurora specific Developer Discussion board so excuse me if I've posted this in the wrong section. Might be an idea to have a dedicated area🤔 I seem to recall early on seeing in presentations a Storybook for Aurora that let you navigate all the UI components that its made up of? I've hunted around and can't seem to find anything. Do we have access to a Storybook or Component Library that designers can use to review all the OOTB UI components, buttons, cards etc including what configurable states and options each UI might have. This would make designing unique layouts and custom page much easier and also ensure we adopt the global UI components (where possible) rather than creating our own bespoke versions. LarryI😉 Thx Chris315Views3likes2Comments