Forum Discussion

cgrinton's avatar
4 years ago

Can messages be created/updated via API without triggering update notification emails?

Is there a way to create/update messages via the Khoros Communities API without triggering notification emails about the updates to be sent to everybody who has subscribed?

The background to this question is that we are looking to create messages on TKB boards using the API (HTTP POST or PUT /api/2.0/messages). In some situations, the number of updates being made is likely to be significant (although minor in nature), and we want to avoid spamming subscribers with many update notification emails.

9 Replies

  • AshishKe's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    4 years ago

    Hi cgrinton , in this scenario you could temporarily stop email notifications in community by using a setting in the Admin settings under the Maintenance tab. Refer to this for more details.
    Once you are done updating the messages, you can enable email notifications again by turning off the setting. 
    Please note that using the setting will turn off all email notifications, except account related emails like those for user registration, password reset, and email update notifications. Hence, make sure that you disable the setting once your work is done. 

  • Thanks for the thoughts AshishKe. We’re looking for a fully automated process here that may update content without any human interaction (and without impacting other people who post in the community at the same time as the update process is running - eg. by stopping notifications going out from concurrent real human activity). So I’m not sure that option is directly viable for using in our scenario.

    But thanks for the thoughts all the same. It is good to at least know of the option.

  • JakeR's avatar
    Khoros Oracle
    4 years ago

    I completely understand the use-case of why you have this question.

    Unfortunately, any update in the form of additional content that is not an 'edit' (i.e. - initial post or reply) will follow the standard procedure of triggering a notification to those who have subscribed.  There is no 'suspend notifications' feature that I am aware of for the Admin...or not one that does not at least permanently remove the subscription for all users).

    However, Khoros could (in theory) suspend notifications, or perhaps even delete subscriptions and then re-instate them, during the window that you would want this done (hopefully would not be more than a few hours).  This would probably require some kind of script to be created, and would also require some good cooperation / timing (and all this could get even more complicated if you have a huge Community).

    What I would recommend is that you open a Support ticket, outline what you mentioned here, and ask what the Level of Effort (LOE) would be to get such a thing done.  It would be a custom Professional Service for sure, but wanting to have a non-intrusive Customer Experience whilst simultaneously updating all of that content might be worth the expense. 

    Please do let us know what comes of this (not all of the gory details, of course), because I am very curious if a customization like this is possible.  And ultimately, I am curious as to how it will / does improve your Community.  

  • I have an idea - as yet untested - about how to update KB articles without triggering notification emails for users who are subscribed at the board level:

    1. Use the /restapi/vc/messages/id/{MessageId}/move/board/id/{BoardId}?move_message.include_replies=true&move_message.ignore_notification=true API to temporarily move the message to a hidden board (i.e. a board that does not have subscribed users).
    2. Update the article using /api/2.0/messages/{MessageId}
    3. Use .../move/board/id/... again to move the message back to its original board.

    Drawbacks I can think of are that I expect this will still send a notification to people who have subscribed directly to the article, and (if access to the hidden board is restricted) the article would be momentarily inaccessible.

    Can anybody think of other drawbacks or traps to consider for with this approach?

  • prasadu507's avatar
    3 years ago

    Thanks for the post and explanation.

    I am also looking for the exact requirement. Need to turn off notifications when it is API update. Is there any latest update after that.

  • SyedSa  Thanks for the response and information. 

    One quick question.

    Does Khoros provides any Java SDK to call Khoros Rest APIS. Could you please guide me on this.