Forum Discussion

Noora's avatar
11 years ago

Configuring ratings / helpfulness

I'm trying to add a helpfulness rating to our forums and I have turned on the ratings in Admin and configured it to "helpfulness". I also added the element in Studio (to page type Forum Topic Page) and edited the XML to  <component id="ratings.widget.rating-enum-display" ratingSystemRef="conv:message_ratings"/>.

Now still I can't see the rating in studio, can you help me? Is there an error in my syntax, is the conv:message_ratings the right one for helpfulness? Have I missed a step? Can I add the element to Forum Topic Page?

  • Hey Noora 


    Great advice from VarunGrazitti there.


    So, this is the component you need to use:


    <component id="ratings.widget.rating-enum-display" ratingSystemRef="conv:helpfulness"/>


    However, just a couple of things to note which you may have missed during your testing:


    1. The 'Was this article helpful..' component only appears for replies, not for new topic posts.

    2. The component will not appear for your own replies, only those posted by other authors.


    Try that and let me know how it goes.





    PS I saw your support ticket and have also updated that.

8 Replies

  • Noora - From your post, seems like you have done the 2nd, did you check the 1st, 3rd isn't valid as you're admin of the community.


    If this component isn't showing up on your community, it might mean that: 


    1. There is no content to show
    2. You need to enable the feature and configure the component in Community Admin
    3. You don't have permission to view this component or its content from this user account


    You've done this alright as well:


    Enable ratings and define the types of ratings supported on the community in Community Admin > Features > Ratings.

    In the XML tab for the page where you are using the component, you must set the ratingSystemRef parameter to define the type of post rating you are using.

    For example, if you are using the Me Too rating feature in a Forum Topic Page, you would use ratingSystemRef="conv:forum_topic_metoo".

    Parameter values include: conv:tkb_ratings, conv:message_ratings, conv:idea_ratings, conv:contest_ratings, conv:forum_topic_metoo, conv:forum_solution_metoo, conv:forum_resolution_metoo, conv:question_metoo, conv:answer_metoo.




    If it doesn't work, you might want to consider asking support.


  • Noora  - I rechecked this, and tried on our community. In your Admin, you must have specified only tkb_helpfulness, please add message_ratings in there and it will be working fine. Below is the screen shot.



  • Noora's avatar
    11 years ago
    Thank you for your tips, grazitti!

    I was able to add the star rating so atleast everything is working ans I haven't screwed up the CSS for example. The only thing is that I'm trying to add the helpfulness-rating:

    As I understand the article, I should be able to add the rating to forum page also.

    I have configured helpfulness to Community Admin > Features > Ratings and the component is added to my XML in Studio.

    My best guess is that i should have something else here in ratingSystemRef, but I don't know what. <component id="ratings.widget.rating-enum-display" ratingSystemRef="conv:message_ratings"/> The value "helpfulness" breaks the page.
  • I suggest trying all these one by one, and see if any of them works as the documentation doesn't specifically tell which is to be used for helpfulness.

    conv:forum_solution_metoo, conv:forum_resolution_metoo, conv:question_metoo, conv:answer_metoo.

    Else, you should ask support and they will provide you the details.
  • Noora's avatar
    11 years ago
    I'll do that :) Cheers again, Grazitti!
  • NoamanA's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    11 years ago

    Hey Noora 


    Great advice from VarunGrazitti there.


    So, this is the component you need to use:


    <component id="ratings.widget.rating-enum-display" ratingSystemRef="conv:helpfulness"/>


    However, just a couple of things to note which you may have missed during your testing:


    1. The 'Was this article helpful..' component only appears for replies, not for new topic posts.

    2. The component will not appear for your own replies, only those posted by other authors.


    Try that and let me know how it goes.





    PS I saw your support ticket and have also updated that.

  • Noora's avatar
    11 years ago

    Hi all and thanks for the tips!

    It appears that the component NoamanA mentioned is correct, the functionality of helpfulness ratings just isn't what we're looking for :) Instead of assesing the helpfulness of a single reply, we want to be able to assess the helpfulness of a thread and by that the helpfulness of our community, something like NPS.


    I added an idea about helpfuless being a topic-level feature for you guys to kudo if you want to :)

  • housikrausi's avatar
    9 years ago

    Hi Everybody,


    thank you for the workaround. I would like to give it a try. I understood what I have to insert the following code at the Forum Pages to show up the helpfulness feature but I don´t know where exactly.


    <component id="ratings.widget.rating-enum-display" ratingSystemRef="conv:helpfulness"/>


    As a result I would like to show up the helpfulness question in all answers marked as accepted solutions.


    Can anybody help there to insert the code?


