Forum Discussion

Quelyn's avatar
10 years ago

CSS Question: <pre> styling and wrapping

#lia-body .lia-content .lia-message-body pre, 
	.mceContentBody pre, .mce-content-body pre,
	#lia-body .lia-content .lia-panel-tooltip pre
		{ -ms-word-wrap:sWrap; white-space:-moz-pre-wrap; white-space:-pre-wrap; white-space:-o-pre-wrap; white-space:pre; }

This is the code for pre formatting.  I don't want it to wrap long lines, but instead scroll to the right to read the whole line. 

This works for published TKB's.  But when I look in the MCE editor, it's not working as expected in chrome.  

In Firefox it's working. 


Has anyone had any experience with this one? 

2 Replies

  • OlivierS's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    10 years ago

    Quelyn do you have a URL we could see the issue? 


    I'm not a CSS guru, so I'm not sure if there is a difference between :


    white-space: pre-wrap;



    white-space: -pre-wrap;


    (the difference is the '-' sign in front of pre-wrap).


    Worth having a play with Google Webmaster Tools if no one respond to this thread!


  • Quelyn's avatar
    10 years ago

    Thanks for the suggestion!  I've been trying a bunch of options in Google developer tools. 

    I am trying to change the option to "pre" the default in lithium appears to be "pre-wrap". 

    I tried "-pre" and that didn't work either