Forum Discussion

khill's avatar
7 years ago

New Board Data from API Not Returning?

Hi everyone,


I am passing a very basic API call every month to capture any changes to our board metadata.[tenantid]/search?q=SELECT%09*%20FROM%20boards%20LIMIT%201000&client_id=[clientID]&api.pretty_print=true&format=xml


LiQL query = SELECT * FROM boards LIMIT 100


We added a couple of new boards over the last month, but these new board IDs are not returning in my API call.  However, I can call the board individually and the data returns correctly for this new board:[tenantid]/search?q=SELECT%09*%20FROM%20boards%20WHERE%20id%20%3D%20%27dspip_tools%27%20LIMIT%20100&client_id=[clientid]&api.pretty_print=true&format=xml


LiQL query = SELECT * FROM boards WHERE id = 'dspip-tools' LIMIT 100


Any ideas why the more general call is not working?  I can confirm it is returning updated info for the previously existing boards (i.e. title, description, etc.) just not returning the new board data.


  • khill There might be following reasons for this:

    1.  Either the boards are hidden
    2.  There are more than 100 results
    • khill's avatar

      Hi nehaSharma - thank you for your quick reply and troubleshooting ideas!


      So this is what is so odd, I can confirm that:


      1) boards are not hidden via the individual pull as both boards return <hidden>false</hidden>

      2) general pull is less than 100 records as size returns as 




      Any other ideas I might be missing?

      • ttadej's avatar
        Another thing that could be happening is you have boards that are inside a category restricted to certain user roles, or the boards themselves are restricted.. and the 'user' making the API call doesn't have these permissions.