Forum Discussion

tsrisudh's avatar
8 years ago

Not able to override SDK skin in studio

We are managing our site in SDK, but in our dev instance we allow our developers to override the SDK and make changes in studio,


But we are now facing an issue where neither the sdk icon is shown next to our skin and neither are we able to edit the skin from studio, we see a warning on top of the skin saying "This skin cannot be edited" 


Any idea why this happened and any remedy around this?

6 Replies

  • tsrisudh's avatar
    8 years ago

    Hi TariqHussain

    when i do

    li clear-studio-plugin --points "skin" --force

    i get an error as below

    Error: [CLEAR_FAILED] Error trying to clear studio plugin points
    Failure Rule: CUSTOM_RULE
    Failure Message: No files were found for the skin plugin point
    Failure Details: The Studio plugin does not have any files in one or more of these directories: /res/skins/. When clearing the Studio plugin, files must be present in all plugin points specified with the --points flag or the pluginPoints setting in the SDK configuration file.
    Suggestion: Only specify plugin points that have files in the Studio plugin when running the clear Studio plugin task, or alternatively select Y to clear the entire Studio plugin.

    Not sure why this says so, any idea why this is happening?



  • TariqHussain's avatar
    8 years ago

    tsrisudh - I assume you need to clear SDK plugin in order to make any changes to the skin using the studio. 


    li clear-plugin --points "skin" --force


    Let me know if this works

  • tsrisudh's avatar
    8 years ago
    --points option is not available in clear-plugin, this clears all the plugins and this is not something i want
  • TariqHussain's avatar
    8 years ago

    tsrisudh- We are facing the same issue, I have raised a ticket to lithium support for this.They have identified it as product bug. This will be fixed in 18.2 version.


    LIthium Support Response.
    Thanks for contacting Lithium Customer Support.
    We have heard back from our development team in regards to this issue is already reported in this case which we had identified as a product bug. However this issue should be fixed in 18.2. If this impacting a your business on wide range than I suggest you to ask for an early update of 18.2 version.



  • tsrisudh's avatar
    8 years ago
    Yes, this is the same thing support team told us too