Forum Discussion

jacques_ca's avatar
7 years ago

TinyMCE - Add text in the editor



I tried to add some content in the text editor. It works, when I use the code below in the console, however when I use it in the component, it seems that the code is not executed.

tinymce.activeEditor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, " <p id='123'>bolded text</p> ");

$(tinymce.activeEditor.getBody()).one('click', function() {

 Is there a sort of initialization or wrapper that I need to add?

5 Replies

  • jacques_ca - it because your code is  working ieven before tinymce load. 

    You need to add settimeout so your code runs after sometime or check if tinymce is already being loaded using jQuery. 


  • jacques_ca or you just hook properly into the event lifecycle of TinyMCE =):

    	// runs when an editor instance is added to the EditorManager list
    	tinymce.on('addeditor', function(e) {
    		var editor = e.editor;
    		// wait for this particular editor instance to be initialized
    		editor.on('init', function(e) {
    			// when the editor is initialized, add the custom text
    			editor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, '<p id="123">bolded text</p>');
    	}, true);

    but of course you can also use the setTimeout() approach and hope for the best!

  • Thank you guys for your help -) sorry for the delay.

    lukI tried this method and I did not see any change. When I test the code in the console, I get this log: Dispatcher {fire: ƒ, on: ƒ, off: ƒ, once: ƒ, has: ƒ} and there is no result on the screen.

    TariqHussainI used windows.load() then settimeout waiting for 10s, I did not see any change.

  • luk's avatar
    7 years ago

    jacques_ca did you wrap that code into an IIFE? e.g.

    ;(function($) {
    	// runs when an editor instance is added to the EditorManager list
    	tinymce.on('addeditor', function(e) {
    		var editor = e.editor;
    		// wait for this particular editor instance to be initialized
    		editor.on('init', function(e) {
    			// when the editor is initialized, add the custom text
    			editor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, '<p id="123">bolded text</p>');
    	}, true);
    })(LITHIUM.jQuery); // technically })(); is enough, no jQuery here...

    works for me here, I think if you do it via console, you're way too late in the javascript event lifecycle.

  • Thanks for getting back to me. Yes, It is what I did. If it worked for you then the issue may come from something else...