ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsWeekend SLA - How do you manage? Hey there Titans, Looking for your opinion. We have a global community with community moderation every workday. We have a 24 hour SLA that we achieve pretty consistently during the working week. We've noticed that questions coming in over the weekend are impacting SLA quite a bit and are hurting certain community managers metrics because no CM or super users are logging on over the weekend. As we don't have weekend support, I'm considering removing weekends from our SLA. My question is: would you remove Sat / Sun from SLA? Would you remove Friday@5pm ET - Sun @ 5pm ET? Or would you not remove it at all? Any thoughts are appreciated! Re: In what org does your community live? Himeredithw, Our community team started in support and is currently going through the process of moving to marketing (we're in SaaS). Currently our program managers sit in marketing while our community managers still sit in support (with plans to move at some point). I think the main factor should be the primary focus of your community, and how you can get the easiest alignment for that. For example, if you're a support community, sitting in support means your team will have better product knowledge, easier access to their support peers, and will be able to align with support KPIs. If, however, your community is a customer community, or is more focused on networking (really anything other than support), I'd say marketing is the correct department. Being in marketing means you get easier access to the machines that can make your community successful (and by machines I mean emailing capabilities (beyond notification emails), promotion for events, ability to align content with marketing campaigns). From my experience (I've sat both in support and marketing for my community) the department doesn't matter as much as the ability of the community team to work cross functionally (they're going to be working across department lines regardless), but I do think from a growth perspective, your community will be better set up for success to grow in engagement and size if you're in marketing. 🙂 Hope that helps! Happy to share more if you have follow up questions, too! This is a question that's been around on my team for years so I have a lot of experience with these conversations. 🙂 Re: How do you handle user introductions? 1 thread or many? Thank youBlakeH! The archiving option sounds like the item that might make the most sense for our Community 🙂 Appreciate your help! How do you handle user introductions? 1 thread or many? Hey there Titans! We have a Community wide "introduce yourself" thread in our "welcome and introductions" board. It has hundreds of replies dating from when our community launched about 5 years ago. Recently we've seen users creating new posts and introducing themselves in separate threads. This behavior is cluttering our board, but I'm mindful that continuing to pile onto a thread that can seem old / is already crowded may turn some users off / intimidate people from replying. So ... I'm wondering how others have handled user introductions - do you have 1 thread? do you let users create new threads? or, do you not have this at all? Any and all thoughts are welcome! Re: How do you facilitate / integration live chat into your community? ThanksFellsteruk! That live messaging widget is impressive and creates a great customer experience for getting next steps. I'm wondering how difficult it would be to recreate an experience like that utilizing the khoros DM feature and enabling members to chat with one another How do you facilitate / integration live chat into your community? Hey Titans! One area I'm curious to learn more about is whether you hear feedback from users in your community about wanting more live chat options in your community. We consistently get feedback that the direct message feature isn't instant enough (and unlike slack, members don't get push notifications for new DMs). I'm curious if other communities have tackled this through integrations, using slack, or something else? Obviously we don't want to move the conversations from the community into a siloed space like slack, we're just looking for a solution for recreating the instant message experience that slack provides. Re: Does anyone use % of solution views as a rough metric for case deflection? HiCarolineS, We look more at number of accepted solutions as a ticket deflection metric, but obviously views can add value on top of just 1 solution. Curious for what others have to say on this topic! I'd also say, we've played around with the idea of adding a star rating system for "how helpful was this solution?" which I think could be a good in between of only looking at count of solutions and solution views. 😀 Re: Khoros Communities 21.4 Release Notes Hi everyone! We are also seeing the bug with the top leaderboard in our Community. In addition to wrong numbers, it shows internal employees that shouldn't be featured on that board Re: Is it possible to pin comments from a certain role? Thanks for confirmingVarunGrazittido you have any more detail/context/references onhow this can be achieved? We're looking to solve this with our in-house developer. Is it possible to pin comments from a certain role? We're experiencing a problem where comments and status updates on our Ideas Exchange that have been posted by members of our product team (with a set Khoros community role) are getting buried and ultimately missed by customers. Is it possible to pin comments in a thread to the top of a idea exchange discussion (much like an accepted solution) based on the role of the poster?