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Release Notes & Updates

February 2025 Atlas Highlights

CoryD's avatar
Khoros Staff
2 months ago

Here’s the Atlas content you do not want to miss!

Some blog areas are limited to Khoros customers only. If you are a customer and unable to access anything, click the chat bubble (bottom right) and type Customer Access.

How We Did It: Upgrading Atlas to the Aurora version of Khoros Communities
Adopting our own next-generation community management software helped Khoros in many ways: easier community management, streamlined and re-envisioned purpose, and direct experience by our employees to learn the ins and outs of our latest software development—ultimately leading to improvements for our customers. Learn more about our upgrade in our recap blog.


Update: TikTok Access for Khoros customers
TikTok has resumed availability for the majority of United States users after being temporarily shut down on the evening of January 18.

Khoros is closely monitoring updates regarding TikTok’s future availability in the United States and is in direct contact with our partners at TikTok. 



Moderation Bypass feature for Khoros Communities Aurora
We’re introducing three new bypass permissions to allow trusted members to post content without being: blocked by content filters, scanned for spam detection, or limited by flood controls.

These permissions are available under Settings > Users > Roles and permissions > Moderation and are set to Deny by default. Setting these permissions helps you streamline moderation workflows and enable trusted users to engage more freely without unnecessary restrictions.


Bypass Event Invitation Flood Control Limits for Khoros Communities
We’ve introduced a new permission, Bypass Event Invitation Flood Control, that allows admins to send more invitations than the flood control limit set for the community.

This permission is available under Settings > Users > Roles and permissions > Events.

For Communities Classic, permission is available under Admin > Users > Permissions > Events.


Exclude roles in Top Contributors widget for Khoros Communities Aurora
Site designers can now exclude certain roles from being displayed in the Top Contributors widget. This is helpful when your administrators or other staff create a large amount of content but you want to highlight only your other members’ contributions to the community.


Community offline mode for Khoros Communities Aurora
If you are performing maintenance on your community, you may want to prevent activity from taking place as you resolve issues. With offline mode, you can present a notice to visitors so they know maintenance is underway and that they cannot participate until the community comes back online.


Guide to staffing an online community team
Discover how to define roles, recruit top talent, and enhance collaboration with this guide to staffing an online community team. It’s a must-read for anyone serious about sustainable community growth.



CRM Connector Enhancements for Khoros Care
Admins can now use the attribute values from the Author Profile section for CRM autofill rules. Go to Autofill rules > Author > Author Attributes and select the author property you want to autofill.


Manage View column filters for Khoros Care
As part of our ongoing enhancements to Manage View, in this release, we are introducing a significant search enhancement for Manage View column filters. You can use simple keyword queries as you always have, but you can also construct more specific and complex searches that help refine and tune your column contents in Manage View.


Moderation actions in conversation history for Khoros Care
All moderation actions are now included in a conversation’s history, enabling a more accurate picture of actions taken on a conversation. These moderation actions are also available for analysis in the Conversation Action History analytics exports.


Unlock your Khoros Care Potential: Free Product Coaching sessions
We invite you to exclusive, free product coaching sessions designed to empower you with the knowledge and skills to: streamline workflows and boost agent productivity, deliver exceptional customer experiences with faster resolution times, gain valuable insights to optimize your customer service strategy, and maximize your ROI on your Khoros Care investment.


You Found It. We Fixed It. Khoros Care
Due to Facebook API limitations outside of our control, we have removed the ability to ingest mentions made by private Facebook users’ profiles. 

For companies with multiple Trustpilot integrations, the integrations are now staying connected as intended. 


Unlock the secrets to effective contact center change management
Our latest blog explores how to create a resilient change management team that drives success. Learn strategies to engage everyone — from front-line agents to the C-suite — to address common concerns and navigate change effectively. Don’t miss out on insights to transform your contact center’s approach to change!"



Updates for changing persona in UI  for Khoros Flow
Previously, you could select only from the pre-defined prompt templates in Flow to set up Personas for your Bot or Agent Assist. With this release, we’ve introduced the ability to use an external source for Bot and Agent Assist Personas. 

By leveraging external sources, you can now align Personas more closely with your brand voice, business requirements, or specialized use cases, offering an improved and more personalized customer experience.



Enhance your Social Marketing expertise: Free Product Coaching Sessions
We invite you to exclusive, free product coaching sessions designed to empower you with the knowledge and skills to publish engaging content, optimize your dashboards, and utilize advanced features.


Webinars & Events


Launching on Communities Aurora Session #2: Preparing to launch | Instructor Led-Training
Wednesday, February 19th
Early session: 7 am CT / 1 pm UTC 
Late session: 3 pm CT / 9 pm UTC


Top engaged contributors

Special thanks to the current Atlas top engaged contributors: CarolineS Lief yogeshdixit Claudius sloth2073 allensmith81 CyJervis GlennD sleslie99 and ben_quickbase !

Updated 2 months ago
Version 1.0