Forum Discussion

keithkelly's avatar
3 years ago

How To View Instances of Broken Inheritance?

I *think* we haven't broken inheritance yet., but

  1. I'd like to double-check
  2. I'd like to start breaking inheritance intentionally and want to keep tabs on the damage.


  • So, literally look at each individual setting in the scope of every single category and board?

    • MohammedF's avatar

      keithkelly If your goal is to keep tabs on all settings that have diverged from the default, then yes, you would need to look at each individual setting in the scope of each node.


      Perhaps, you could let us know your greater goal that you are trying to accomplish by keeping tabs of these overridden settings?

  • Hi keithkelly!


    Could you please clarify what inheritance you are referring to or provide us with more context?

    • keithkelly's avatar

      Suppose I open Admin with the context of a specific Forum, then configure a setting - so the setting only applies to that individual forum. 

      At that point, inheritance is broken, and any changes to the inherited definitions will not propagate to the overridden field.


      • MohammedF's avatar

        Thank you for providing more context, keithkelly!

        That's how Admin settings work. The only way to “keep tabs” on which settings have broken inheritance is to look at each individual setting and see if it’s different than the “Use default” value. Example: