Forum Discussion

JeanetteF's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
4 years ago

SDK, GitHub and sdk.conf.json

I just pushed my project folder in the SDK into GitHub for the first time.  After I made the push from my local repo to GitHub my sdk.conf.json was changed locally, even though it was included in my .gitignore:

I am able to update the plugin and submit, but wondering where I can update my token when it expires.

I also have (not sure if these were present before the GitHub push):

  • server.conf.json
  • template.server.conf.json

In the server.conf.json:

This appears to be editable, but I've not tried to save any changes.  Is this where I can update the token?  

Are there any other issues in using GitHub that I'm not aware of at this time?  


  • Yes, the pluginToken property is where you update the token, which you get through Studio > Advanced SDK > Generate Token and you will find that it always expires right when you're in the middle of something 😁

    template.server.conf.json is just that, a template, which you don't actually need but you might as well keep in case you need to look at it later. 

1 Reply

  • IanKl's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    4 years ago

    Yes, the pluginToken property is where you update the token, which you get through Studio > Advanced SDK > Generate Token and you will find that it always expires right when you're in the middle of something 😁

    template.server.conf.json is just that, a template, which you don't actually need but you might as well keep in case you need to look at it later.