Forum Discussion

AbhishekIlindra's avatar
10 years ago

Email Address disabling



Is Admin can able to disable Email Address .

User didn't allow users to chanage Email Address

  • AbhishekIlindra - From the admin, you can allow or disallow a user to change their own username, but not the email.


    As a workaround, what you can do is that you can use some CSS to hide the email tab for non admin users by detecting their roles. So if the user is not an admin, they won't see this tab.


    in technical terms:


    if user = isAdmin{

      // do nothing

    } else {

     CSS to hide the email tab



    //this is just a reference code. You need to detect the role using FTL and handle all that on the server end. I hope this helps.

    • AbhishekIlindra's avatar

      VarunGrazitti Thanks for your support.


      So Lithium not supporting to change  Email address or disabling this feature . Is i'm right of the statement.