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Khoros Insights Blog

January 2023 Atlas Highlights

CoryD's avatar
Khoros Staff
3 years ago

Hello 2023!

We can't believe it either. From all of us at Khoros, here's to a great new year of digital customer engagement.

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Here’s the Atlas content you do not want to miss!
Some blog areas are limited to Khoros customers only. If you are a customer and unable to access anything, click the chat bubble (bottom right) and type Customer Access.

It's Time To Update Your Thoughts on A.I. 
Is it a best practice to lag behind and spend money on powerful tools only not to use them to their full potential? Time to optimize your workflows with automation.

Managing your brand during a crisis
As we’ve learned over the past year, a crisis can occur at any time. Being prepared for a crisis, be it political, social, public health-related, or something else we can’t imagine yet, is essential. Your brand will be stressed no matter what -it's best to eliminate the stress you can control, rather than come at it flat-footed. 

Strategic Services: Weekly Trend Report 
Khoros Strategic Services provides a weekly pulse on the top social trends, the latest social platform updates, and important world events. Subscribe to the Industry Trends label and stay to date!



Block publishing of potentially offensive images in Social Marketing 
Introducing a new AI-based image detection capability that will help prevent potentially offensive images from being published on posts.

Prevent potentially offensive images from being published on posts with new AI-based image detection capability that will.

3 Best practices for Approval Workflows + Tune-Up Checklist
When it comes to protecting your brand, automated and configurable approval workflows allow for the right sets of eyes to greenlight content before it gets pushed live to your social pages.

These are the guidelines the greatest brands in the world follow for effective approval workflows.



An Interview for Change: How AI and Automation Drive ROI 
A simple solution would be to let bots tag routing and prioritize whatever time or click-heavy tasks you're agents have to do. Take clicks off the agent's plate.

Creating Highly Efficient Teams with Push-Next
By enabling this push-next queue configuration option, you can better control the conversations that are available to agents and ensure that all users receive a response in a timely manner.

The Hybrid Future is Here: Let’s modernize your agent's experience.  
Improve agent experience by pairing some out-of-the-box thinking, and the wide range of capabilities found within Khoros can make a difference in your digital contact center. 

Practical Strategies To Handle Volume Spikes and Restricted Capacity 
With an influx of volume and unpredictable spikes, there are good options to better operationalize your agents in Khoros Care. This article highlights immediate automation opportunities and offers some strategies and guidance on how to proceed.



[Podcast] Using Feedback to Fuel Progress, with LogRhythm’s Matthew Cowan 
This week we sit down with Matthew Cowan, Community and Knowledge Manager for LogRhythm.

After a successful community relaunch, Matthew’s recent work focuses on marrying community function and experience through a series of projects to streamline customer enablement.

Community Self-Service + Accelerated Community Management 
Give your customers the accurate responses they want while opening up more opportunities for customer satisfaction, loyalty, and positive “voice of the customer” feedback. Take a tour of our Accelerated Community Management solution.

[Podcast] How to Make Community Crucial, with Invoca’s Maria Ogneva
This week we sit down with Maria Ogneva (@themaria), Sr Director of Community & customer marketing at Invoca to break down how to build a wide-reaching and stable digital community. 

Hear first hand how to position your community to benefit both your customers and your colleagues.


Webinars & Events
Some event areas are limited to Khoros customers only. If you are a customer and unable to access anything, click the chat bubble (bottom right), and type Customer Access.

Available On-demand

Snack Breaks & Hot Takes: Essential community features and tools for 2023


Top Engaging Discussions
Some discussion areas are limited to Khoros customers only. If you are a customer and unable to access anything, click the chat bubble (bottom right) and type Customer Access.

High five to @CyJervis for helping @katuksahni create spaces for their product team to engage with customers (and earning an Approved Solution)! Kudos also go to @lolagoetz and @Lief for sharing additional helpful context.

Thanks @JasonHill and @StanGromer for chiming in to help @ab_melissa on a few possible ways to pull reports on users active in the last 30 days, including sharing details on some limitations of different methods. You rock!



Top Engaged Contributors
Special thanks to the current Atlas Top Engaged Contributors: sdhake, StanGromer , Lief , VikasB, keithkelly, CarolineS, lolagoetz , jamiemccardle , Drew_C , and JasonHill !


Want a chance to be a part of this elite group?
Learn about what it takes to ascend to Titan status

Updated 3 years ago
Version 4.0


  • Happy New Year everyone. Looking forward to lots more wisdom and experience being shared in the upcoming year. 



  • Happy New Year - looking forward to the next level in 2023 with Khoros.

  • Congrats on the top engaged contributors!

    Happy new year everyone!