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Does anyone know how to change the display title of Custom Fields in Aurora?
So I've figured out custom fields in Aurora using the new GraphQL API and I have a few test options in our stage instance, but I'm wondering if there's a way to change what displays in the UI. I've read through the dev docs on text key overrides and all the docs on custom fields and I haven't found anything about the display title for these in the UI. I'm guessing it has to do with either a form override or a text key override, but the docs on both are pretty sparse. Wondering if anyone else has figured this out yet. Thanks! Here's an example of what I'm talking about. We have a custom field on the user entity called "My School" and "myTest" and in the UI it shows "Value of [custom field name]". That's what we'd like to change, if at all possible.Solved56Views1like1CommentCan someone walk me through authenticating and using Postman with Aurora?
I'm a bit of a newbie when it comes to GraphQL and Postman and I'm struggling to work through the dev docs when it comes to authenticating and setting up the basics in Postman for testing in API calls in Aurora. We're looking ahead to migration and want to start getting familiar with basic API calls. Has anyone successfully got Postman and Aurora working? Is anyone willing to walk me through the bare minimum basics of getting this set up to authenticate into our Aurora instance and run a basic GraphQL call? I'm finding the dev docs pretty lacking currently so I'm turning to the expertise of the developer community here hoping someone has already figured this out. Or, if Khoros is reading this, can we have another Developer Webinar where we can walk through this? Or is this something you can offer through training or update the docs with more details? We've reached out to our CSM to see if we can get some 1:1 training but so far it doesn't look like that's an option right now.Solved93Views0likes4Comments400/404 error on POST request
Hey, I'm trying to do my very first POST API call and currently getting stuck. I know there are other solutions for what I'm trying to do, but I'm also trying to learn something rather than straight up copying & pasting. <#assign boardID = /> <button id="subscribe">Subscribe</button> <@liaAddScript> (function($){ $(document).ready(function(){ $("#subscribe").on( "click", function() { $.ajax({ url: "/api/2.0/subscriptions", dataType: 'json', data: { "data":{ "type":"subscription", "target":{ "type":"board", "id":"blueprints" } } }, method: 'POST' }).done(function(response) { console.log('Success'); }).fail(function() { console.log('Fail'); }) }); }); })(LITHIUM.jQuery); </@liaAddScript> When I click my button on the page, I get a 404 error in the console: GET 404 (Not Found) I assume I'm doing something wrong, but I can't figure out what. I've tried subbing the variable for the ID of the board too and the URL is the same, with the same 404 error. The only thing that's sprung to mind is that the API's don't work with the CNAME and I need to use the original domain for our staging site? Thanks in advance.Solved416Views0likes4CommentsAPI for newly published articles?
I'd like to automate social copy drafts in our social media platform for newly published articles. I can't seem to find the right combination of attributes / tables in a LiQL call OR the right API method that will give me what I'm looking for. I just want the last 10 articles that were published. I get the last updated, which could be older articles, and I published one two days ago that was a draft a month ago. That doesn't show up in my query of 10 at all as it's out of range, unfortunately. Any advice on how to accomplish this would be appreciated. The LiQL query I'm using: query = f"SELECT id, view_href, body, last_publish_time FROM messages WHERE = 'TechnicalArticles' ORDER BY manual_sort limit 10"Solved255Views0likes4Commentspermissions for the user biography based on user roles
Hello, We have a requirement regarding user biography field (my settings > personal > personal information > biography). Is it possible to set permissions for the user biography based on user roles? Specifically, we need to disable the biography field for normal users. Thank you.Solved269Views0likes2CommentsTrouble with http.client.response
I'm making the following http.client.request call in an endpoint. <#assign response = http.client.request("https", "", "/translate?api-version=3.0&to=es&textType=html") .header("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", "MyKeyGoesHere") .header("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Region", "eastus") .header("Content-Type", "application/json") .body("[{'Text':'<p class=\"some-class-ak\">Hello, what is your name?</p>'}]", "application/json") .post() /> <#if response.hasError> ${response.error.message} <#else> ${response.content} </#if> Testing in postman I got this response. [ { "detectedLanguage": { "language": "en", "score": 1.0 }, "translations": [ { "text": "<p class=\"some-class-ak\">Hola, ¿cómo te llamas?</p>", "to": "es" } ] } ] However, from the endpoint I see this with the quotes encoded and an error in the console. I'll copy both below the image. [{"detectedLanguage":{"language":"en","score":1.0},"translations":[{"text":"<p class="\"some-class-ak\">Hola, ¿cómo te llamas?</p>","to":"es"}]}] json_document.js:1 SyntaxError: Expected property name or '}' in JSON at position 7 (line 2 column 7) at JSON.parse (<anonymous>) I've done similar things before and received recognizable JSON, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I have the endpoint set to apllication/json Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!Solved242Views1like4CommentsChange header logo link?
Where would I change the href in the header logo link? I cannot find anywhere to edit this code. Currently it defaults to "/" but i'd like it to point elsewhere: <div class="custom-community-header-logo"> <h1> <a href="/" style="background: url('<logo-image>') no-repeat 50% / contain;"></a> </h1> </div>Solved359Views1like7Commentsquery with date field
trying to find out posts between two dates in "message" i have something like https://mycommunity/api/2.0/search?q=SELECT%20post_time,%20post_time_friendly%20FROM%20messages%20WHERE%20ipost_timeBETWEEN TWO dates so, the query is pretty much SELECT post_time, post_time_friendly FROM messages Where [post_time between two date] i am open to use either post_time or post_time_friendly But my question is how to fit in the 2 dates. I tried different ways but none works anyone can help? thanksSolved330Views1like8CommentsBlock New Replies - API?
Hello everyone. I am new to development for the community that I manage and am looking for guidance on solving a process that we are attempting to accomplish. In summary, we have a mature community of over 12 years with a large number of threads that are considered dated. Once we set up the parameters to isolate these threads we'd like to block new replies. To my knowledge there is no way out of the box to accomplish this in bulk and one by one is simply not reasonable. I believe that API calls would be my solution here and I have no idea where to begin. Any help would be truly appreciated. We are current on community version24.2 (24.2-release r2404161404) and havenot updated to Aurora yet.Solved163Views1like3Comments