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Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics Setup in Aurora platform
Hello Guys, Anyone has setup the GTM and Google analytics in current version of Aurora Platform. We tried with the pagescript which is not working for us. IF anyone added implemented the same, then please let us know. Thanks Durgesh27Views1like0CommentsIncremental data for attachments in messages and replies
I am trying to get incremental data based on required datetime field for attachments related data in messages and replies. Can someone please help me with this ? Graphql queries for which I need incremental data is as follows: query Attachments { messages { edges { node { id attachments { edges { node { id filename url } } } } } } } Thanks50Views1like2CommentsFacing issue with createTkbArticle GraphQL mutation
Hi, I am using the client credentials to make a server to server GraphQL api call to create a tkb article in one of the tkb board. But I am getting the following Error, for which I see no discussion in the forum or docs. Even Google doesn't show any results. Errors: [ { "message": "Exception while fetching data (/createTkbArticle) : lithium.util.NullArgumentException: defaultErrorType", "locations": [ { "line": 2, "column": 3 } ], "path": [ "createTkbArticle" ], "extensions": { "classification": "DataFetchingException" } } ] I am making the call from a node-express app, and just in case if it helps I am sharing the code snippet : const createTKBArticleMutation = ` mutation createTkbArticle($createInput: CreateTkbArticleInput!) { createTkbArticle(createInput: $createInput) { result { id } errors { __typename ... on NotValidPossibleValueError { message } ... on PermissionDeniedError { message } ... on InvalidHtmlError { message } ... on CustomFieldNotDefinedForEntityError { message } ... on RequiredCustomFieldNotSet { message } } } } `; const createTKBArticleVariables = { createInput: { subject: "Testing GraphQL TKB creation", body: "This article is created using GraphQL API, for testing the API itself.", // teaser: "This is a test teaser for the TKB article", // introduction: "This is a test introduction for the TKB article.", board: { id: "board:knowbler_tkb" } } }; const method = 'POST'; // const query = fetchTKBBoardsQuery; const query = createTKBArticleMutation; const options = { url: GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT, method: method, headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${creds.accessToken}`, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, data: JSON.stringify({ query: query, variables: createTKBArticleVariables }) }; const response = await axios(options);25Views0likes0CommentsDelete a bookmark subscription
Hi, I'm working on a customisation within one of our TKBs where we want to make bookmark functionality more visible. I'm creating a button to bookmark and another to remove the bookmark. My bookmark button is working as intended, but I'm having difficulty removing/deleting the bookmark. $("#remove-bookmark").on( "click", function() { $.ajax({ type: "DELETE", url: "/api/2.0/users/${userID}/badges/${bookmarkID}", contentType: "application/json", dataType: "json", }).done(function(jqXHR, textStatus) { console.log('Success' + textStatus) }).fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus) { console.log('Fail: ' + textStatus); }); }); I'm using the URL /api/2.0/users/user-id/badges/subscription-id based on documentation. Am I right in substituting user-id and subscription-id for the respective values? In my specific test case, the URL being called is /api/2.0/users/67/badges/3829. Here's the server response: { "status": "error", "message": "An unexpected error occurred.", "data": { "type": "error_data", "code": 301, "developer_message": "", "more_info": "" }, "metadata": {} } Any help appreciated.34Views0likes1CommentAurora externalContext module issue
Hi All, I am working with a custom component in Aurora using React and TypeScript, but I am encountering a "module not found" error, as shown in the screenshot. Can anyone suggest where I might be going wrong? Additionally, I am unable to import the .pcss file for styling the component. Any help would be appreciated! I followed the Khoros Aurora documentation, where they provided the CatFactToast component. Below is my folder structure. When i am importing the CatFactToast.module.pcss file in CatFactToast.tsx then it is not showing the file in the relative path as shown in the screenshot below Thanks!30Views0likes2CommentsProblems with creating a custom Analytics report
Hi folks, hope that anyone can help me with my problem. I would like to create a custom Analytics report, but when I have chosen all the parameters I need and run successfully the script, the result is a standard "Closed Conversation Report" I'm using postman and picked the follwing data startTime endTime CONVERSATION_ID STATUS ASSIGEND_AGENT AUTO_TAGS_TAGS CONVERSATION_RESPONSE_HANDLE_TIME CONVERSATION_TAGS_OR_POST_TAGS CREATED_DATE CLOSED_DATE POST_PERMALINK Well the standard report contains nearly every data I need, but there is one essential thing missing: a link to the public community post. Why the public one and not the link to Care? I have to report activities to an external department where people don't have access to khoros care. Any idea what's the problem? Regards Christoph20Views0likes1Comment