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Case Portal Account View Does Not Include Case Submitter
I'm finding it difficult to locate cases opened by other individuals in my organization because the view no longer shows the name or email of the individual who submitted the case. Would really like the name or email address to be available in the view. Email vs. Portal in the view is not particularly useful, perhaps it could replace that?12Views0likes0CommentsFlood controls for Aurora communities
With Khoros, there are limits on how often people are allowed to post, upload images, videos, and attachments, tag content, send private messages, and other community actions before triggering flood controls. Flood controls are in place to help combat potential spam. Note: Those with the Administrator and Moderator role are exempt from flood control restrictions; these thresholds affect only regular members. The following table lists the default flood rate settings for various actions performed by the member within a specified period of time. Actions Flood Controls Post content A member can't post more than: 5 posts in 30 seconds 15 posts in 10 minutes 50 posts in an hour Send Private Messages A member can't send more than: 5 private message in 30 seconds 15 private messages in 10 minutes 50 private messages in an hour Upload Images A member can't upload more than: 100 images at a time 5000 images per day 5000 images in the community Upload Videos A member can’t upload more than 500 videos in the community. Upload Attachments Members can’t upload more than 100 attachments per post per day. Like content A member can't give more than: 50 likes per minute 500 likes per hour 5000 likes per day Tag content A member can’t add more than: 50 tags per minute 500 tags per hour 5000 tags per day Mention people A member can’t mention more than 50 members in single post. To configure these flood controls, contact the Support team.BhuvanaM4 days agoPlace Khoros Communities - Aurora DocsKhoros Communities - Aurora DocsKhoros Alumni (Retired)447Views1like5CommentsDo we need this SEO setting?: "Append topic ID to title and description meta tags"
Greetings Lithosphere! We have the following SEO setting checked by default: "append topic ID to title and description meta tags". It appends a string of numbers to the topic title, which means that in Google Results, there is a number in every title. We'd prefer to remove the number, as it's not aesthetically pleasing. I understand the underlying SEO reason for this of avoiding duplicate content. However, none of our posts should have the exact same content. If they do, someone has cross-posted and our moderators should address it. Can we safely turn off this setting and stop appending the numbers, without hurting SEO? Any other considerations? Cheers, Alan161Views3likes4CommentsHelp Us Help You!
Dear Customer, You're looking to create a case because you've encountered a technical issue, would like a request to be completed, or have some other information you would like to receive. You would like to have your case completed as quickly as possible and so would we! While we can't always guarantee things will be resolved quickly depending on the nature of an issue, there are some things you can do to help move things along proactively! We've compiled some common requests for details that our Support team often asks for below with respect to each product Khoros offers, as well as some tips on things you can do to help focus the team's efforts on the right things. If you could provide this information when creating your case that would help move the request along, as it will eliminate some back and forth and allow our team to move forward and ask more targeted questions if more information is needed on top of what was already provided (sometimes this may be necessary). Some of this information may not always be relevant or available (e.g.: if you want to enable a new Community feature we probably won't need a HAR file), but please try to provide as much as you can! Care Community Marketing Care Care is a single-page web application that allows a lot of social media integrations. We have put up a list of scenarios with a set of information that the support team might require to investigate that scenario. Please be thorough while describing the issue you are facing. The clearer you are, the easier it will be for the Support team to step through the issue in the same way that you are. This includes filling out the "Steps to reproduce", "Expected Behavior", and "Actual Behavior" fields in detail. Including the steps you took can be very helpful. If the issue is regarding content(post) not ingesting into the Care application then it would be helpful to provide us with the following links: Native links of the original posts Screenshots to the native posts If the issue is regarding the user being unable to log in, then it would be important to provide the following information: Users email address Screenshots of the error while attempting to login How many users are unable to log in, is it specific to a set of users or all users? If the issue is that the content is ingesting with a delay then you can provide us with the following information Conversation ids where the delay was noticed. 2. The Social media handle name. 3. Is the delay in ingestion experienced for all the conversations from that specific social media handle or a different social media handle. If the issue is regarding conversations falling in an incorrect work queue, then you can provide us with the following information: Conversation ids that were incorrectly routed. Name of the work queue where the conversation should have been routed. Were any recent changes done to the work queues or the tags? If there were changes done then what were those changes. If the issue is related to user permissions and some of the roles aren’t reflected even after saving the user profile, please provide us with the following information: User email address. Screenshot of the error if any error pops up. How many other users are seeing a similar issue? Are the user permissions managed via any identity provider or do they login via SSO? If the care app appears to be slow, the following information would be absolutely necessary and important How many users are experiencing slowness is it specific to a group of users? If it is specific to a group of users are they located in the same geographic location. Is there a specific screen in the care application where the slowness is being experienced or it is with the overall application? Is the behavior consistent across different browsers too? Do you use any VPN to access the application? Were there any recent changes done to the network on your end? What exactly happens when you experience slowness on the application. Back to top Community The Community application is large and complex, carrying a number of different features and configuration options, as well as numerous avenues for customization. Here are some things to consider both while you are filing a case for anything Community related or perhaps while trying to review an issue on your own prior to creating a case: Technical issues: Please be thorough while describing the issue you are facing. The clearer you are, the easier it will be for the Support team to step through the issue in the same way that you are. This includes filling out the "Steps to reproduce", "Expected Behavior", and "Actual Behavior" fields in detail. Please also bear in mind that some communities are customized to add configuration options or pages that may not be present on any other community, so including steps to reach the page(s) you were looking at or how you obtained a certain piece of output can be very helpful! For example, if you are getting an error while trying to post, we would prefer that you describe the behavior as something like "When I try to submit a post I receive an error with this text: texthere" as opposed to something like "When I try to submit a post it doesn't work". From a backend perspective, "doesn't work" could mean a number of different things, so being as descriptive as possible in all fields will give the team a better picture of what is happening and allow them to focus their efforts. When possible, please try to confirm if an issue occurs in all of your environments (stage, production, preproduction) as well. We understand that not all issues can be tested everywhere for a variety of reasons, but it is helpful to know what you see in all of your environments for comparison purposes. Please include full URLs to the page(s) you would like us to pay attention to. The more specific the URL is, the better. You may already have these URLs open while creating your case as well and it is likely it will take less time to copy and paste them in the field for URLs than it would for someone from the Support team to track them down on their own. This also helps ensure the team is looking at the right instance(s), which can be especially important if you have more than one instance or refer to your communities in a different way than the Khoros team does internally. For example, "dev" is a common reference to stage instances among customers, but internally, we don't have any customer environments that are referred to as "dev", so this can cause confusion that can be solved by linking to the specific instance(s) you would like us to focus on. Please try to provide timestamps wherever possible. The log files for the Community application are very large and contain a lot of information about various things that happen in an individual community, so having something to focus on is extremely helpful. Please remember to include the timezone for any timestamps you provide. One person's 1 pm is another person's 1 am, so leaving out the timezone could lead to any results being off by several hours for a task where even a couple of seconds could make a difference. Screenshots and videos are also very helpful when trying to communicate an issue! For any screenshots or videos you provide, please try to include the full screen (including the address bar and taskbar with the clock visible). If you need to draw focus to a specific part of the page, please consider using a highlighter or other drawing tools rather than cropping the image. For technical issues where a problem occurs, a HAR file is often helpful. Please see this article for more information on HAR files and the steps to generate them. For any HAR files you provide, please try to start capturing traffic from start to finish - that is, start capturing traffic before you attempt to reproduce the issue and continue to capture traffic until the issue has been reproduced. Please try to give a meaningful name to any files you attach to a case. It is much easier to tell at a glance what "board-with-error.png" is for than it is when the filename is something along the lines of "image1.png". This becomes increasingly appreciated and helpful as more files are attached over time. Please try to reference specific users that the Support team can look at for any issues that occur, even if all users may be impacted. Having some sample users to look at can be useful for comparison purposes and for looking information up in our logs. Please try to provide a link to the user's profile, as this will help reduce confusion and ensure that we're looking at the right user (example of a profile URL: Please consider things that may have changed recently, both on and off of the community. For example, if a deployment using Self Publish was recently carried out and something no longer works correctly, this is both helpful for the Support team and for you to consider as well as something to look into on your end. Along the same lines, changes in the community can be relevant as well. For example, if your community uses SSO and your SSO team makes a change, that may be relevant if SSO suddenly stops working. Having information like this from the start helps focus the team's efforts. Some other specific things that may be worth considering depending on the issue you are facing (but not limited to) are Community Admin panel changes, DNS changes your to community's hostname, deployments carried out by Khoros teams that you are aware of (e.g.: Services engagements, new features, upgrades), and changes to your authentication workflow (either on your side or on the Community side). Please try to include when the issue started if you have an idea of when something last worked differently. This is similar to the previous point in that you will generally have more experience with what you need and want your specific community to do, so knowing when something last worked differently can be extremely helpful in tracking down what may be causing an issue even if you aren't aware of any specific changes that might have been made. Please consider trying to reproduce any issues you encounter in a separate browser or using a private/incognito browsing session or on a different device if one is available. Some issues are specific to individual browser operating systems or may be caused by add-ons/programs specific to your computer, so taking this step can help rule things like that out. For connectivity and performance issues, please consider trying to reproduce the issue on a different network (e.g.: if you normally use a corporate VPN, try turning it off or using your cell phone). This can help rule out network issues as a cause of any issues you run into. Please note that in cases where a specific network has an issue, it is likely the team will recommend reaching out to the network owner, so you may want to consider doing this proactively as well. For any API calls you are using (either manually or through custom code/automation), please provide the full API call exactly as it is being made. You can scrub any session key information, but please try to keep the exact call intact and include any headers or query parameters you are using. In cases where you are using code to make the API call, please consider sharing that source code as well. The Support team generally cannot debug your custom code, but it can be helpful for us to get an idea of what it is doing and where. For display issues or script errors, the Support team will typically try to test an issue by changing the skin the page is using to an out-of-the-box (OOTB) skin to try and narrow down the scope of the issue. This may be something you want to try on your own as well. This can be accomplished by going to the Admin Panel -> Display -> Skins -> Select one of the OOTB skins (White UI or Responsive Peak) and save changes. If you are going to do this, we recommend doing so on stage or in a private area in your community, as the OOTB skins will look very different from your branded skin and this could cause confusion for your end-users. In cases where changing the skin appears to resolve the problem, the Support team may ask you to reach out to your internal teams to look into the issue. You may want to consider doing that proactively as well in order to review any changes that may have been made. Requests to enable features or for information: For any requests to enable features, if you happen to have the documentation available to point to that would be appreciated! We understand if you don't have it on hand when creating a case, but if you do happen to have it open, it helps ensure that everyone is looking at the same thing. Though not often as relevant to these types of cases, filling out the "Steps to reproduce", "Expected behavior", and "Actual behavior" fields can still be very helpful in ensuring that the team focuses their efforts on what it is you're interested in. Back to top Marketing Technical Issues: Please be thorough while describing the issue you are facing. The clearer you are, the easier it will be for the Support team to step through the issue in the same way that you are. This includes filling out the "Steps to reproduce", "Expected Behavior", and "Actual Behavior" fields in detail. Including the steps you took can be very helpful. For example, if you are getting an error while trying to post, we would prefer that you describe the behavior as something like "When I try to schedule or save a post I receive an error with this text: texthere" as opposed to something like "When I try to submit a post it doesn't work". From a backend perspective, "doesn't work" could mean a number of different things, so being as descriptive as possible in all fields will give the team a better picture of what is happening and allow them to focus their efforts. Screenshots and videos are also very helpful when trying to communicate an issue! For any screenshots or videos you provide, please try to include the full screen (including the address bar). This will provide more details as to where you are in the platform. If you need to draw focus to a specific part of the page, please consider using a highlighter or other drawing tools rather than cropping the image. For technical issues where a problem occurs, a HAR file and console logs are often helpful. Please see this article for more information on HAR files/console logs and the steps to generate them. For any files you provide, please try to start capturing traffic from start to finish - that is, start capturing traffic before you attempt to reproduce the issue and continue to capture traffic until the issue has been reproduced. Please consider trying to reproduce any issues you encounter in a separate browser or using a private/incognito browsing session or on a different device if one is available. Some issues are specific to individual browser operating systems or may be caused by add-ons/programs specific to your computer, so taking this step can help rule things like that out. Please try to reference specific users that the Support team can look at for any issues that occur, even if all users may be impacted. Please include details on how this impacts your daily workflow. Whether the issue is intermittent or happening all the time. Is this preventing you from completing a task. If so, is there a deadline you need to complete this by? For access-related issues please review the Admin FAQ. If you are unsure who your admin is, support can look up your admin who can provide you with the appropriate access. Specific to Marketing: For Calendar posts or Ads provide Message ID. To locate the message ID click on the post to open the side pane then click on the basics tab under Khoros ID copy the message:xxxxxxx. The name of the initiative the post/ad is in If the post includes media provide the original image/video file For Inbox items provide A screenshot of the item The name of the stream/collection or topic queue the item is in The name of the initiative the item is in For Analytics provide A full-page screenshot of the dashboard. Include the date ranges and any filters that are applied. Attach data exports For Mobile provide The name of the app, Device information (Android or iOS) Which OS version you are on Mobile app version. If you are not on the latest version of the app you may need to delete and re-download the app. For API provide Curl. This should include the token and the request/body being made. Text or screenshot of errors returned Back to top As mentioned earlier, we may still need to ask for additional information depending on the nature of the case. However, by providing any of the above information when you can, we can hopefully move your case towards a satisfactory resolution quickly! We hope you have found the above information useful and we appreciate you sticking with us until the end of this article! As always, please don't hesitate to reach out and let us know if you have any questions or concerns! Sincerely, The Khoros Support Team7.8KViews5likes0CommentsAurora: Update community vanity URL
There are several actions you must take before we can change a vanity name on our end. The change is straightforward if your community is a non-SSO community, but if you use SSO there's a broader range of things to cover. As always, all changes should first be tested on stage if possible, and this is especially true if you're using SSO. Note: We highly recommend contacting our Professional Services team to complete this process, especially when using a custom SSO setup. Preparation Create a CNAME in your DNS. Point the CNAME at your internal community hostname (for example, Allow 48 hours to pass after steps 1 and 2 so the DNS can propagate the internet. Update the community URL Check your community settings and change any hard-coded URLs pointing to the old vanity name. A redirect largely covers this, but eliminating any non-needed page requests/redirects is always a recommended best practice. If you're using SSO and this change affects your SSO sign-in/sign-out/registration URLs, be sure to update them in Community Settings > System > Account and Privacy after the change is made on the Khoros side. IMPORTANT: if you're using SSO, make sure this domain change will not affect your authentication process. In most cases, SSO is domain-centric and works only for requests coming from the domain specified in the cookie, so if the domain is not updated in your SSO it could completely break authentication. For example, if your community URL was and your SSO was set for requests only from, changing your vanity name to would break authentication, since a cookie from one domain cannot be read by another. You need to update your SSO to ensure it's set to work with the new domain. If you're using a Salesforce integration, check with whomever handled that integration to ensure the change won't cause any unwanted problems. In some cases, that person might have to make changes to accommodate the change. Multiple vanity names are not officially supported, but if you plan to use more than one vanity name you MUST contact Khoros Support to have all of your domains added to a vanity domain allowlist. Any domain not in the allowlist redirects back to the active vanity name we have on record. After all of the above have been reviewed, tested, and you're ready to proceed, the remaining is completed by Khoros: Update the vanity name. Add any desired redirects (301) from the old vanity name to the new one so anyone who has bookmarks/favorites is redirected to the same page using the new domain. Add any other optional redirects you'd like in place. Depending on the number and/or type of redirects requested (for instance, more than a dozen), this may require an engagement through our Professional Services group. Restart the community during the next available maintenance window to apply changes. As noted, if you're using SSO we need to coordinate with you so that you can make any required SSO changes on your end at the same time we update the hostname on our end.11Views0likes0CommentsLooking for ways to stay engaged with Khoros Development
Hey everyone, I'm currently between roles after the recent changes at Upwork and looking for ways to stay sharp with Khoros development while figuring out my next steps. I've shared a lot of my work here before (also did StanGromer ), and I'd love to keep learning and contributing. If anyone has ideas on how to stay engaged with the platform or knows of projects where an extra set of hands could be helpful, I'd appreciate any suggestions!34Views7likes0CommentsAurora: Ban members from the community
Each member plays a crucial role in the community's growth and is responsible to behave appropriately to create a positive space where other members feel welcome, safe, and engaged. But in some cases, members act maliciously, violate the community guidelines, or are abusive in nature. To avoid such malicious behaviors in the community, Moderators and members with appropriate permissions can ban these members and prevent them from accessing the community. Before banning a member, consider their member history, not just a single action or post. You can temporarily or permanently ban members based on the impact caused. You can ban members using their profile information (username, user ID, and email address) and IP addresses. Use IP address bans as a last resort. IP addresses tend to be dynamic and if a banned member restarts their router, they can get out of the ban and another member may receive the ban. In the community, you can ban members in several ways: Create ban rule from the Manage Users dashboard Ban members from the Content Management dashboard Ban members from the members’ profile page Ban members from the content page Create Ban rule from the Manage Users dashboard Using a ban rule, you can ban single or multiple members from the community. From the Manage Users dashboard, you can create and view the list of ban rules in the community as shown below: To create a ban rule: Sign in to the community as an Admin or Moderator. Open the Account menu and go to Manage > Users. The Banned tab on the Manage Users page is displayed. Click Create Ban Rule. Specify any of the following fields: Username: Enter a member’s username. The entry can include * and ? wildcard characters to ban all members whose usernames match all or part of the username. Example 1: If you enter the username as “Jess*,” any member whose username begins with “Jess” followed by any character will be banned. Example 2: If you enter the username as “Je?s,” the "? " replaces only the single character. The usernames like "Jess," "Jeos," and other matching usernames will be banned. User ID: Enter member’s unique User ID. Email Address: Enter member’s email address. The entry can include * and ? wildcard characters to ban members whose email addresses match all or part of the email address. Example 1: Entering “*” bans members whose email address begins with any character followed by Example 2: Entering “Je?” bans members with email addresses like “,” “,” and other matching email addresses. IP Address: Enter member’s IP address. Note that other members who use the same IP address will also be banned. Match any of the above criteria: Select this checkbox to ban a member who meets any of the criteria listed above. Otherwise, the ban is in effect only if all criteria are met. In the Ban Actions drop-down menu, select the ban Duration. The duration can be temporary or permanent as required. To set a custom duration, select Custom from the drop-down menu and set the duration. (Optional) In Ban Reasons, specify the following reasons for the ban: Internal reason for ban: Only Admins and Moderators can see this reason. They can see this reason when they edit the ban rule. Public reason for ban: Enter the reason that the banned member can see when they fail to sign in to the community. Click Ban. The impacted members are banned and signed out from the community. Ban members from the Content Management dashboard On the Content Management dashboard, you can ban members from the Spam, Abuse, and Moderation tabs using the Options menu > Ban Member. Note that you can only ban one member at a time from the Content Management dashboard. Let’s say you saw malicious content on the Abuse tab and you want to ban the member who created the content. To ban the member: Sign in to your community as an Admin or Moderator. Open the Account menu and go to Manage > Moderation. Go to the Moderation tab where you can view the list of content reported as abuse. To ban a member, open the Options menu and click Ban Member. The Ban Member window opens where the member details are auto-populated: Add information to the fields and click Ban. The Member is banned and signed out from the community. Similarly, you can ban members from the Spam and Moderation tabs. Ban members from the member profile page To ban a member from the member’s profile page: Sign in to the community as an Admin. Go to the member’s profile page by clicking the member account you want to ban on the community. Open the Options menu and click Ban Member. The Ban Member window opens where the member details are auto-populated. Specify the fields and click Ban. The Member is banned and signed out from the community. To modify ban, open the Options menu and click Edit Ban. Ban members from the content page From the content page (forum discussions, blog posts, ideas, and knowledge base articles), you can ban the member who created the content as well as members who posted replies/comments to the content. To ban an author, go to the respective post, open the Options menu, and click Ban member. To ban a member from comments or replies section, go to the comment or reply posted by the member, open the Options menu, and click Ban Member.BhuvanaM6 days agoPlace Khoros Communities - Aurora DocsKhoros Communities - Aurora DocsKhoros Alumni (Retired)493Views0likes8CommentsTracking Complete Registrations in Google Analytics (via GTM)
Hi, Is there some sort of click listener or event that can be passed in the front end that can be picked up by Google Tag Manager when a user completes their registration (after successfully submitting their username)? Can we apply an event to the complete registration toast? If so, what is the best way to do this? Is there another way that we can track complete registrations in Google Analytics? Thanks!18Views0likes0Comments